About The UnPopulist

If you are concerned about the worldwide slide of liberal democracy and the rise of authoritarian leaders and politicians spouting an intolerant populist nationalism, including in the United States, then this is your publication.

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Defending liberal democracy against authoritarianism in the U.S. and around the world.


Host of ReImagining Liberty, a podcast about the emancipatory, cosmopolitan, and forward-looking case for radical liberty, and Zooming In, a show from The UnPopulist. Radical liberal cosmopolitan and ex-think tank scholar.
Thomas Shull is editor-at-large of The UnPopulist and survey research director for the Institute for the Study of Modern Authoritarianism.
Managing Editor/Senior Producer at The UnPopulist. Finlandria on Youtube. You Only Guide Me by Surprise wherever you get podcasts.
Founder and editor of The UnPopulist whose mission is to defend liberalism from the rise of modern, populist authoritarianism. Born in New Delhi, I was formerly with Reason magazine and a columnist at The Week.
Senior Editor of The UnPopulist. Executive Director of the Institute for the Study of Modern Authoritarianism (ISMA). Words in The Washington Post, The Bulwark, and elsewhere. Philosophy instructor.