Excellent article.

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More of this please. The antisocial media is not a necessary or vital organ or vehicle for "free speech" and should be regulated by a heavy hand. Especially those that offer themselves as "free" and whose revenue streams are entirely dependent on antisocial behavior being rewarded.

The first bar should be subscription fees. Those antisocial media platforms that require a significant fee for service" should be unregulated just like newspapers and cable outlets. Corporate media would operate as now with the free market, and legal liability for defamation to which they are subject today. The free ones should be treated with the same regulatory scheme as broadcast television airwaves. The same with podcasts. And everything that goes over the internet. The dark web should be ruthlessly suppressed. The internet should be vulnerable to the laws of libel, slander and defamation and everything that is posted on the web should be traceable to any owners and users.

Oh, yes, the government should be outlawed from using antisocial media except for emergency purposes like tornado warnings, flood warnings, and the like. Including the President of the United States.

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