I doubt there's much daylight between the questions you ask and the questionnaires Trump's having people fill out to obtain jobs in the administration.

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Excellent questions, which are unlikely to be asked.

The only people more in denial than Democratic leadership and Democratic strategists are political journalists.

With a handful of exceptions, legacy media fails or refuses to acknowledge, not just the perils rushing toward us, but the dangerous moment we're living through.

Republican politicians have abandoned any pretense of governing. Rights are being stripped away, state by state. Authoritarian experts have literally checked off the boxes as we spiral through the dictator's playbook.

Democrats appear to have no communications plan, surrogates, or strategy for combatting fascism.

The justice system clearly is unable to constrain Trump, yet legal pundits continue to pretend that the rule of law isn't splintering.

Anyone who thinks they won't be impacted by authoritarian rule is deluded. Wealth, skin color, sexual orientation, religion...none of that provides protection.

Most people equate democracy with gravity...they cannot imagine living without either. The refusal to break the glass, sound the alarms, and edicate the public is exactly how democracies are lost.

Even those who recognize that we're on the Titanic console themselves that the option remains to flee to another country. That option will be very expensive, very restricted, and about as friendly as we are to fleeing refugees.

We have an uninformed populace, complacent leadership, and a press corp in denial. I'm in Robert Kagan's camp.

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Hysterically long-winded, but easily ignorable.

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I wish more people would see RFK Jr. as an option.

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Liz Wolfe is a complete moron

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A vote for today's Repubs gives up our voice and our freedom.

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