Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by Berny Belvedere

Great article. Always enjoy reading about the quackery of Bret Wienstein. His trajectory has been fascinating to watch with morbid curiosity. Sadly I thought he was an interesting thinker when I first heard him early on in the pandemic. He is well spoken and comes across so reasonable until you actually start to understand what he saying. Everything is always dressed up in metaphors and jargon it can just kind wash over you and you can just think he is just another intellectual. Although now a days he more or less just sounds crazy.

Decoding the gurus pod has had a lot good coverage of both the Wienstein's. They had them pegged from the get go, when so many others were still thinking of them as reasonable. Highly recommend giving them a listen if you're interested in analyzing rhetoric and conspiratorial thinking

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A few years ago Weinstein was an unknown teacher in a second tier academic institution. Today he has a following and a platform. Can we see and compare his income tax returns from before and after the controversy that catapulted him into the pantheon of Xitter influencers? Jordan Peterson owes his own social media success to the transgender people he demonizes. Doesn't that define him as a parasite?

Same with many of these "firebrand" attention whores who are probably making a good living off their celebrity. Many of them are well educated and could have entered professions that contribute to society but that take time and hard work. So much easier to be come a social media celebrity to make quick riches and lots of adulation and hate which becomes a form of adulation. There is no bad publicity that cannot be made profitable.

The irony is that they believe THEY are the real victims in the social media Kulturkampf.

Conspiracy theories are a revenue stream for some, entertainment for others, and a symptom of mental illness in others.

I am no fan of Ayn Rand, but she was not afraid to say, when asked what she thought of her critics, "But I don't think about them." The best way for me to not think of these people is not to go where they go in social media platforms.

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My sensors detect some narratives contained within this text also, as well as some irony.

Do you believe my sensors are providing me with false readings?

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Anyone who continually refers to “they” is just making crap up. Weinstein is just one more grifter in the pantheon of grifters.

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More proof that smart people can be incredibly dumb.

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Just another political hit piece on an honorable person.

Bret Weinstein asks the CORRECT questions - something NO left wing news agency will ask.

Let's remember that almost ALL of the conspiracy theories of the last 4 years have come to be true...and yet these hacks continue to try to discredit good people.

As Weinstein stated so clearly, they (the THEY that are pulling the strings around the world) drove out all of the brave, critical thinkers and what this did is galvanized them and united them.

The truth will prevail and I plan on being on the correct side of history when the dust settles, meaning the side that the Weinsteins and the Petersens and the Musks are on. The other side is just sludge and name calling.

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Ever wondered what a nation run by conspiracy theorists including Bret Weinstein would look like? Here’s a visual hint:

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