Australia has a system based on that of the US (single-member constituencies in House of Reps, and equal state representation in the Senate ). But we have ranked-choice (or instant runoff) in the Reps, and PR in the Senate. This has long meant that voters can support a third party without "wasting their vote". More recently, we have seen the two-party system to break down, as more small-party and independent candidates outpoll at least one of the traditional big parties and are then elected in subsequent rounds of counting.

Even without PR, a shift to ranked-choice would be hugely beneficial. It only requires a change in the voting method, not a wholesale reconstruction of the electoral system

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Open primary elections would help nudge the representative toward the median voter's views.

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Apr 25Liked by Steven Hill

Certainly something to dream about. Not sure how legislation, even well-written would survive this Supreme Court and you can bet that’s exactly where such legislation would end up. If we’ve learned anything it’s that power doesn’t just surrender itself willingly.

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Apr 25Liked by Steven Hill

It's a good idea, and a good start on it!

For the remedies section, may I suggest one of these:


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Yeah. That was what I was referring to but couldn’t think of the name of it. Senioritis has kicked in.

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