Tucker Carlsson, a right-wing collectivist with dangerous minds

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Diversity is not opposite to unity. Diversity is opposite to uniformity. It is like in Star Wars with Republic vs the Empire

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People seem way too worried about Facebook and not worried enough about fox news.

On the other hand, mass shooting events while interesting/tragic/headline dominating are very rare. I would expect the death caused by empowering any part of the American government to police speech to be much higher than the extra mass shootings that come from tucker.

Indeed, the NZ mass shooter was not inspired by Tucker, as far as I know, since he was in the NZ media space.

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Love all the troll comments from right wingers who obviously haven't read any of the essays.

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Ooo now do how left wing media has been going on about the replacement of white Americans for years. How about when the current president spouted this very notion and said it was a great thing.

I'll wait. But here's a link to help you a little, mmmkay?

BTW I am in no way endorsing this viewpoint (I don't think it matters what race the people of a country are, sin still rules in their hearts without God). I just don't think we're being very fair here and to try to pin this on Tucker only tells one side of the story.


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The obvious problem with this is that the people in the Buffalo grocery store weren't immigrants. It could be that, even if the shooter was influenced by ambient anti-immigrant beliefs, he chose his target because he is mentally ill.

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