Vulnerable minorities are protected by the Bill of Rights and Civil Rights legislation. These are insurmountable obstacles for any dominant majority with or without a populist leader.

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Agreed. The fact that Liberalism is inherently authoritarian means that Liberals should be looking at their own flaws. An article on the inherent problems with rampant Liberals is well needed.

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What definition and/or form of Liberalism are you referring to here?

Classical Liberalism, at its core, recognizes the dangers of an overreaching government and seeks to limit its powers.


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Great point. I should have said neo-con Liberals or far Leftists. I am a classic Liberal. I used to be anti-gun, anti-war, anti-overreaching government - you know, all the good stuff we ALL used to stand for, but I now see the value of gun ownership - to prevent the Government overreach. Thank you for correcting me. The Liberals of today are NOT Liberals. They are a form of soft dictatorship that is only getting more authoritarian. They would put the Liberals of 50 years ago in jail.

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Always good to be sure we're talking about the same things, when using descriptive labels. Thanks for your follow-up!

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As we've seen time after time, around the world, societal "guardrails" – governing documents and key institutions – are only as strong as the people who try to keep them in place. And can be overwhelmed.

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I found this video very insightful, and mentioned it at https://www.splicetoday.com/politics-and-media/nationalist-failures

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Thank you very much, I appreciate it!

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The dripping sneer of the presenter betrays a level of condescension only exceeded by his abject failure to comprehend what is really going on in the U.S. with Trump supporters. “Populism” is a term of art employed by progressives to denigrate the unwashed masses who are rejecting their values and policies worldwide. If you reject climate alarmism, EU tyranny, unlimited immigration and other disastrous policies, then you are a populist. He cannot provide any evidence of bigotry among Trump supporters because Trump supporters are not bigots. People find that out, often to some level of surprise, when they go to a Trump rally.

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