An awful lot of politically engaged Americans appreciate that the true threat to liberty in America has always come from the Left. Progressive theory and policy is unapologetically authoritarian. We also recognize the appalling depth of corruption in both establishment parties, but especially the Democrats. Biden is the proud equal of the Clintons in corruption, but not a single Democrat cares one bit about it. These are the two primary reasons for Trump’s appeal. Democrats have no answer for either concern. The Democratic Party is now devoid of liberals. What remains are Progressives--in other words, authoritarians--and the unabashedly corrupt. The progressives continue to reelect the unabashedly corrupt because the only thing they can see is Trump. They support the “Palestinian” cause because there is no room for the rule of law on the Left. On the left, the animating belief is “by any means necessary,” leading to such brilliant moves as removing Trump from ballots. They are not even trying to hide it. So MAGA is a rational response, not a crazy one.
I came here to write something similar and you did it for me. It's irrational to look at Trump as an outlier and ignore what is happening within the Liberal parties around the world. These Liberals are not the Liberals of 50 years ago. They have switched sides and they are aptly described as "unapologetically authoritarian".
Your analysis is fair and thoughtful. Trump’s double binary is to find followers, like Jame Pier, above, who are use and disposable, now or later. Present utility requires only the willfulness to apply terms like authoritarian and corruption and come up with anyone other than candidate Trump, and to do so without asserting any facts to clear Trump of existing judicial findings that he is corrupt and acts in an authoritarian manner. Or to apply facts and arrive at similar conclusions about Joe Biden. Happy for folks like Pier to have a say, while noting that Liz Cheney, former federal appeals judge Luttig, and courageous Cassidy Hutchinson are among the many thoughtful Republicans capable of making such distinctions and backing them up with facts, James, that conclude your candidate Trump is corrupt and authoritative to the extreme. I accept, for the moment, that you are real, not a Russian bot or paid prankster in the vein of Roger Stone, and, provided those assumptions are correct, that you are proof enough for one to appreciate the GOP is 2024 DOA, and the elephant in the room is MAGA, clearly understood as Magnifying America’s Grief Again. And James, while I personally wish you the good in life open to all God’s creatures, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, the best advice I can offer is not to attach your opinion to your C.V. or bring it up in a job interview with a serious employer. Moderation in all things is a rule that serves us all. While I personally miss our engaged, two-party system, so critical to finding balance in life, I understand, from reading and reflecting on your opinion, that such a system requires essential skills - of reflection and deliberation, collaboration and mutual respect, active listening, and most of all, a sincere belief in a representative republic dedicated to the proposition of justice and political equality of all, and willing to struggle toward a more perfect union. More than happy to continue the discussion offline. Bring that passion, but next time invite reason and facts to balance it. Thanks for listening and participating in a thoughtful forum like this. No pressure.
Everything about Repubs sounds scary. I wonder why so many people like it.
Can't we stop writing about it and the bad candidates, thereby giving them less free coverage? Make them pay to get their message out, like all the unknowns have to. Or are you giving equal coverage to them all? (I haven't seen much about RFK Jr. or other independents.)
You need to read James Pier's reply to this article. It nails it. The only reason there is a Trump is to oppose the extreme corruption within the Democratic party itself, because the Dems won't do it.
An awful lot of politically engaged Americans appreciate that the true threat to liberty in America has always come from the Left. Progressive theory and policy is unapologetically authoritarian. We also recognize the appalling depth of corruption in both establishment parties, but especially the Democrats. Biden is the proud equal of the Clintons in corruption, but not a single Democrat cares one bit about it. These are the two primary reasons for Trump’s appeal. Democrats have no answer for either concern. The Democratic Party is now devoid of liberals. What remains are Progressives--in other words, authoritarians--and the unabashedly corrupt. The progressives continue to reelect the unabashedly corrupt because the only thing they can see is Trump. They support the “Palestinian” cause because there is no room for the rule of law on the Left. On the left, the animating belief is “by any means necessary,” leading to such brilliant moves as removing Trump from ballots. They are not even trying to hide it. So MAGA is a rational response, not a crazy one.
I came here to write something similar and you did it for me. It's irrational to look at Trump as an outlier and ignore what is happening within the Liberal parties around the world. These Liberals are not the Liberals of 50 years ago. They have switched sides and they are aptly described as "unapologetically authoritarian".
Your analysis is fair and thoughtful. Trump’s double binary is to find followers, like Jame Pier, above, who are use and disposable, now or later. Present utility requires only the willfulness to apply terms like authoritarian and corruption and come up with anyone other than candidate Trump, and to do so without asserting any facts to clear Trump of existing judicial findings that he is corrupt and acts in an authoritarian manner. Or to apply facts and arrive at similar conclusions about Joe Biden. Happy for folks like Pier to have a say, while noting that Liz Cheney, former federal appeals judge Luttig, and courageous Cassidy Hutchinson are among the many thoughtful Republicans capable of making such distinctions and backing them up with facts, James, that conclude your candidate Trump is corrupt and authoritative to the extreme. I accept, for the moment, that you are real, not a Russian bot or paid prankster in the vein of Roger Stone, and, provided those assumptions are correct, that you are proof enough for one to appreciate the GOP is 2024 DOA, and the elephant in the room is MAGA, clearly understood as Magnifying America’s Grief Again. And James, while I personally wish you the good in life open to all God’s creatures, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, the best advice I can offer is not to attach your opinion to your C.V. or bring it up in a job interview with a serious employer. Moderation in all things is a rule that serves us all. While I personally miss our engaged, two-party system, so critical to finding balance in life, I understand, from reading and reflecting on your opinion, that such a system requires essential skills - of reflection and deliberation, collaboration and mutual respect, active listening, and most of all, a sincere belief in a representative republic dedicated to the proposition of justice and political equality of all, and willing to struggle toward a more perfect union. More than happy to continue the discussion offline. Bring that passion, but next time invite reason and facts to balance it. Thanks for listening and participating in a thoughtful forum like this. No pressure.
Everything about Repubs sounds scary. I wonder why so many people like it.
Can't we stop writing about it and the bad candidates, thereby giving them less free coverage? Make them pay to get their message out, like all the unknowns have to. Or are you giving equal coverage to them all? (I haven't seen much about RFK Jr. or other independents.)
You need to read James Pier's reply to this article. It nails it. The only reason there is a Trump is to oppose the extreme corruption within the Democratic party itself, because the Dems won't do it.
Zero comments. Geee, wonder why.