May 3, 2023Liked by Akiva Malamet, Shikha Dalmia

Great summary of what it going on. Growing anti-immigration rhetoric and policies are one of the greatest threats to human progress going forward. The data are very clear, the free movement of people is generally is everyone's interest, including and especially, the receiving nation. It's deeply concerning to me that many simply get this wrong.

I think we may be able to soften some of the opposition through an immigration "tariff." That is, subject to health and background checks, people can move an immigrate freely, so long as they pay a fee or tariff. Crucially, that fee is scaled with age. It would allow more immigrants, raise billions, grow the economy and innovation, and eliminate virtually all illegal immigration. i discussed the merits of such a system here: https://www.lianeon.org/p/toward-an-optimal-immigration-system

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May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023Author

Thanks J.K! I agree with you about the anti-migrant backlash, and I find it deeply concerning. Immigration tariffs aren't my preferred policy, but they are certainly one way we might reach more agreement about liberalizing free movement. I'm highly interested in what open-borders advocates call "keyhole solutions", of which tariffs are one kind. https://openborders.info/keyhole-solutions/

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Yep, I perused some of those concepts when I was researching tariffs. Ideally, we would want fully open borders, but politically that may not be feasible.

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So, national leaders will continue to demonize and scapegoat refugees and marginalized groups.

But, global warming catastrophes will accelerate, water scarcity will spread quickly, income inequality will traumatize a new generation, unregulated AI will disrupt the job market...what happens when citizens realize that the politics of cruelty doesn't help their lives?

Is the future filled with totalitarian regimes? Even then, how long is that sustainable?

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Does any act create more global inequality than imposing strict, draconian carbon measures on underdeveloped countries after the West has done their growth and can now afford to move out of fossil fuels while these countries can not? There is no greater threat to these emerging economics that will keep them in poverty than allowing them to use the same cheap fossil fuels that the West used to lift itself out of poverty. Anything less than that is unfair and criminal. The solutions to climate change will come from tech, not from tyranny.

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Anti-immigrant sentiment is a powerful political force, especially the way Democrats have been wielding it, by attempting to flood the country with immigrants in the hopes that the immigrants will vote for them, but it's backfiring. The immigrants that come to the West are hard working, hungry and take pride in traditional family values - something most Liberals are not supportive of, and so these "immigrants" seem to choose Conservative values over extreme "Liberal" values. Maybe it's time for the Left and Right to work together to implement solutions rather than always look for reasons to disagree.

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