"liberal values ... compel European governments to welcome asylum seekers".

Complete nonsense.

If you want to know why "The Far Right is Getting Mainstreamed", look to your own false assumptions about the meaning of "liberal values".

As David Frum put it several years ago (speaking of the US), "If Liberals Won't Enforce Borders, Fascists Will". https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/04/david-frum-how-much-immigration-is-too-much/583252/

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This is based.

Though I wish they were more harsh on the LGBT agenda. Meloni and Orban are holding the line, but it seems that whenever LGBT rights is passed, right-populists just give up, meaning the direction of travel is only in one direction.

The Nordic populist parties are particularly guilty of this. Sweden Democrat influenced Sweden agreeing on sanctions on Hungary was disgraceful. Hungary should have not allowed Sweden into NATO until it relented on this attack on national sovereignty.

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I’m an American living in France with a French husband. The immigration issue in Europe is quite different from that of the U.S. The U.S. is not already as crowded as is Europe and Social policies are almost non-existent in the US. Immigrants in Europe have overwhelmed the governments’ aid budgets and high profile fanatical Islamists are pushing to change France’s laws. Added to that is a justice system that seems unequal in its application of laws towards the immigrant underclass but puts policemen in jail. The recent rioting of the young Moslems after a deliquant was killed will only push the two sides further apart.

There was a link in the article that said :

“In France, the National Front of presidential runner-up Marine Le Pen is currently polling in second, in front of the third-place Renaissance party of President Macron.”

I clicked on the link but could not find any polling info on France.

Macron is generally despised in France. If the National Front is only second it must mean the Socialists are in first.

Parties in France can spring up overnight. Macron was an offshoot of the Centrists and was heavily backed by the powerful, but his governing style seems to be discrediting “centrist policies”, leaving the playing field to the extremes. I’m crossing my fingers here.

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