There is already research showing that hijab ban lead to opposite results, regardless if these results are wished from far-right Muslim haters or from liberal feminist "liberate the girls" position. The results as in France are = Muslim women become more supportive of Islamism, spend more time at home, feel less connected to France and more connected to other countries. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZloPCnACJM

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Far right? You mean National Socialist.

Islam has a favourite infidel and he was a National Socialist too.

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Can you just admit that people as Trump and Ahmari are bad regarding values, politics and behaviours?

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Trump and Ahmari demonstrate, as George Will claimed and demonstrated, that National Conservatism is Elizabeth Warren Conservatism.

Trump agrees with Bernie Sanders on protectionism, for example.

Ahmari is utterly Socialist too.

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Nazis are still the far-right. Since the modern far-right is partly developed with inspiration from national socialism.

What Islam has or not has is not a justification for the far-right.

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Nazis are the far left, being socialists.

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Not true. Nazis combined radical nationalism with socialist ideas but were still a far-right movement as regarding views on the individual, religion, culture, tradition etc. You way of reasoning is typical among people who are anti-left and tribalist but cannot admit that the far-right and right-wing collectivists are bad as well. https://fee.org/resources/right-wing-collectivism/

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The Nazis were Socialist, fully implementing the theory of German Socialism.

Your way of gibbering is pretending that Socialism can be far-right: it can't.

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Bruce, it seems that you do not understand political theory and ideas, and that you believe in far-right myths about nazis = socialist, in order to abuse history, wash of far-right politics and create a tribalist feeling of "I am good because I am anti-left". Here are some points:

1. Nazis were combining radical nationalism, socialism and racism. But the Nazis were also anti-socialist, anti-communist and anti-internationalism. Since socialists are internationalists and have working class as the main focus while Nazis had the nation and the race as the main focus.

2. Regarding views on culture, identification and traditions, Nazis were far-right collectivists with a view that a German has to have absolute loyalty to the German nation. That is not socialism.

3. No, they never "fully" implemented socialism because the Hitler regime did allow for selective and discriminatory private property and initiatives and also cooperated with big companies as in the car manufacturing sector but without full control and also by cooperating with German capitalists.

4. Official left-wingers as socialists can be far-right in practice, indeed. My point is that people as you say nazis = socialists as a myth that "the left are bad, the right is good". If you support people as Trump, Orban and Ahmari, that means that you are a right-wing collectivist.

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Secularism can be repressive and repressive or authoritarian secularism as in pre-revolution Iran, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union leads to very hostile reactions and behaviours.

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That is not secularism, that is worship of the omnipotent state, as opposed to worship of an omnipotent God.

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Well, one can say that official communists wanted to replace religion with communism

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