Politics is more important than policy because policies can be created without politics

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Just thanks for providing the transcript. I much prefer reading to listening.

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Creating social institutions locally is important. But the problem in the USA is that most Americans are in favor of big government spending and federal institutions that are to centralised

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The thing is that one can be pre-political and global, or glocal today

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Yes, humans are "social animals" but governments are bad in dealing with that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YPgXu1si90

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The thing is that local communities are not "strong" when they are depending on government money and subsidies as in the Rust Belt area. Also, there is research showing that loneliness and alienation is more typical for conservative and collectivist societies compared to liberal and individualist ones. Partly because in nations with more individual freedom, it is easier to engage in civil society and create relations with different individuals https://www.aei.org/economics/openness-and-the-story-of-human-progress-my-long-read-qa-with-johan-norberg/

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