"What's Putin every done to me?" - Useful Idiot.

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Now do an article on how:

i) Google curbed donations to right wing politicians by pushing many of the right's emails into the spam folders as compared to the left's emails

ii) Most Liberal states in the US don't require ID for Federal elections

iii) Biden interfered with the 2020 elections by suppressing free speech and violating the 1st amendment to suppress negative Hunter Biden stories across social media that would have affected the election

And we can see what REAL democracy looks like in the US! :-)

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Interesting how a piece critical of Putin provoked you to attack liberals. Today’s American right and Vladimir Putin: interesting bedfellows!

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It's most interesting that you called it an attack, when it was a truthful post. Nobody should be immune from constructive criticism, and more importantly, why would you assume I'm from the right? Can people not criticize their own?

Are YOU willing to call out your own for their fraud and deception? Or do the end justify the means when it's for a cause you prefer?

I'm a lifelong, classic Liberal, which really in the grand scheme of this is what should be called a Centrist today.

I was opposed to Bush's lies as well as Clinton's lies in the 90s. The truth doesn't discriminate.

The point of my post is that people in glass houses need to not throw stones...and it's about time someone started throwing stones at the glass house Democrats have built. If it can't stand up to a few small stones, it doesn't deserve to stay standing.

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But it’s not a glass house so much as it’s a fairytale castle made out of rain clouds and gum drops and your adorably active imagination.

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Hurling insults in a conversation is basically a concession that you have nothing left in the chamber. You'd get more respect if you waved a white flag.

Everything I listed was factual. In recent times the Liberal party has done more to destroy democracy than any other time in history.

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Nothing has done more damage to American democracy and institutions than delusional narcissists who believe they discovered a secret truth that’s been concealed from the masses. Before the internet this would all just be fan fic in a manifesto. Now you can really commit to your persecution complex by moving to the Brazilian rainforest and still assault democracy with a high speed modem. What a time to be alive

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The US is the only "democratic" country in the democratic west..and it's primarily LIBERAL states, that doesn't require checking ID for voting.

You need ID to buy a gun, alcohol, cigarettes or withdraw money, but you don't need an ID to vote?


The Biden administration has been found to have violated the 1st amendment and censored free speech by the Supreme Court.


Nothing to see here. lol

Stick to your fairy tales and let the big people sort it out. While you're playing checkers, we're playing chess.


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Biden wasn’t president during the 2020 elections.

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Biden didn't need to be President for the Democrats to illegally interfere with the elections on his behalf. Democrats had the House and more importantly, had Social Media's ear, and they used that influence to suppress the Hunter Biden stories, which ended up being true but were sold to the public as lies, to manipulate public perception and to interfere with the elections. This is a hard fact that can't be explained away.

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I'm a free speech absolutist. Anyone must be able speak their mind without fear of arrest or retribution (slander/defamation excepted as that can be tried in civil court). Social media sites are platforms, none of which have the obligation to platform anyone. Not all arguments are equal (Ivermectin is not a cure for COVID-19). After years of investigation into Biden it has become clear to me, at least, that there is no story to tell. Comer and others claim they have evidence but nothing of substance is ever presented and the committee keeps getting embarrassed by witnesses. Maybe some day the HR will bring articles of impeachment for violation of the 1st amendment and 'suppression' of the media or 'peddling influence'. Until then it is just your opinion.

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This is not my opinion. It's the opinion of the Supreme Court.

The title in the Washington Post article?

5th Circuit finds Biden White House, CDC likely violated First Amendment

Now how many Americans do you think are even aware that this law suit happened with Missouri and Louisiana AG bringing this matter to court? Not enough, that's how many.


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The 5th Circuit isn’t the Supreme Court. Why is it that the people most confident about the biggest BS always flunk at basic civics? Feels awfully related.

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Isn't SCOTUS taking up this case right now on appeal? It's a gray area and I've seen opinions on both sides. Even the 5th Circuit which tends to favor right wing viewpoints said the administration "likely" violated the first amendment. In reading about the case it seems to be more of a judgement call, since the platforms where eager to suppress misinformation as well, as per their own guidelines, and there is no established coercion that took place. That doesn't necessarily excuse the administration for applying a pressure campaign but I don't think it's an obvious constitutional violation.

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Point taken on the likely violated free speech ruling (and expansion). My reply was focused on Hunter Biden, 'his laptop', 'influence peddling' and the clown show on that investigation. Will they include 'likely violated free speech'? We'll see.

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And this is a great summary in 2022 of what happened in the two previous years.


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Glen Greenwald has done some incredible work digging into the censorship of the Hunter Biden story by the media complex. This is great reading.


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Are you talking about the investigation into Ukraine influence?

Isn't it ironic that they tried to impeach Trump over Ukraine but that Biden may actually be guilty there? Classic misdirection if that's the actual case.

Justice is a very slow moving machine and there is new evidence being uncovered daily...and the Biden's are looking more guilty by the day in that scandal.

Regarding the Hunter Biden laptop, influence peddling etc, my point in bringing up the Hunter Biden laptop wasn't to discuss activities in Ukraine, but to point out that the Hunter Biden laptop story AS A WHOLE was suppressed in 2020 by the New York Times and much of social media (Facebook, Google, Twitter) under the direction of the Democrats to affect the public perception of the story and by extension to affect the outcome of the election.

It is fully established that this happened. It's not a "conspiracy theory" (God, hate that phrase lately as most conspiracies these days are coming to be true). It was an actual, full on, Government led CONSPIRACY.

Democrats and the FBI worked hard to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story and discredit it, even though it was true as it was breaking and it potentially affected the outcome of the 2020 elections. We may have had another president had this censorship not happened.

That is where the real story is.

This collusion between social media, the Government and corporate interests is Fascism in the purest sense. Full stop. And I'll bet most don't even realize it happened that way.

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Glen Greenwald is the most gullible person on earth. You would be second. Reading his opinionated crap claiming it is 'fully established' is the definition of confirmation bias. Have a good life now leave me alone.

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You're a very angry person. Hurling insults in a conversation is basically a concession that you have nothing left in the chamber. You'd get more respect if you waved a white flag.

Glen Greenwald is one of the premier investigative journalists left in the world.

He investigates topics in an exhaustive manner that shames most legacy news, which you seem to get most of your information from.

His ability to explain complex stories in simple terms makes his news accessible to the majority.

It's a shame that you can't grasp it.

If you really want to be left alone the off switch on your computer is close by.

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