“After defeating fascism on the battlefield in World War II and communism after the Cold War”
This will sound pedantic but it’s meant to convey an important idea. Fascism and communism are ideas. You cannot destroy an idea. But America is an idea. There’s salvation in that.
Thanks for your conversation. Sadly, I recognise several developments even in Sweden where the far-right was outside of the parliament before 2010 and now it is the first time the far-right is indirectly affecting a government program. The far-right in Sweden also has a history of communicating about being in favor of democracy and often by using democracy as the opposite of Islam and Muslims. This behaviour is also known as civilisationism according to researcher Rogers Brubaker https://dl1.cuni.cz/pluginfile.php/478958/mod_resource/content/1/Brubaker_Between_Nationalism_and_Civilizationism.pdf
“After defeating fascism on the battlefield in World War II and communism after the Cold War”
This will sound pedantic but it’s meant to convey an important idea. Fascism and communism are ideas. You cannot destroy an idea. But America is an idea. There’s salvation in that.
Thanks for your conversation. Sadly, I recognise several developments even in Sweden where the far-right was outside of the parliament before 2010 and now it is the first time the far-right is indirectly affecting a government program. The far-right in Sweden also has a history of communicating about being in favor of democracy and often by using democracy as the opposite of Islam and Muslims. This behaviour is also known as civilisationism according to researcher Rogers Brubaker https://dl1.cuni.cz/pluginfile.php/478958/mod_resource/content/1/Brubaker_Between_Nationalism_and_Civilizationism.pdf