This excerpt from Hinds' book an excellent choice. I have no formal education in economics and have always thought (rightly or wrongly) of the discipline to be - in essence - the study of human behavior.
I agree 'The realm of liberal democracy is within the individual...", and that it is there that its defense and preservation must occur. My question is, how may enough individuals be influenced in a positive manner along these lines to create a 'critical mass', so to speak, sufficient to accomplish the task? This seems to me to be a very heavy and complicated lift, given individual human beings' natural tendencies toward 'narrow' self-interest.
This excerpt from Hinds' book an excellent choice. I have no formal education in economics and have always thought (rightly or wrongly) of the discipline to be - in essence - the study of human behavior.
I agree 'The realm of liberal democracy is within the individual...", and that it is there that its defense and preservation must occur. My question is, how may enough individuals be influenced in a positive manner along these lines to create a 'critical mass', so to speak, sufficient to accomplish the task? This seems to me to be a very heavy and complicated lift, given individual human beings' natural tendencies toward 'narrow' self-interest.