So much for “the meek shall inherit the earth”.

I wonder who the string bean thinks brought political nihilism to the many. Maybe he lives in a cave as St Jerome but unlike St Jerome.

Thank you for saving me from having to read more. I made it maybe a 1/2 of the way thru his token anecdotal arguments before i had to give up.

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do you seriously think Trump changed. Terror is his weapon, not something that will change him.

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This article completely misrepresents the book, especially with the hysterical libel that it is a "pornographic call to genocide." It is no such thing. There is no pornography in the book, unless like your use of "racist" you intend it to mean "me big no like bookie." The very opposite of genocide concludes the novel, when the French army refuses to fire on the horde of invading Indian wretches.

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This explanation reminds me of a meme I was sent with a third rate John Wick clone knocking out goons who captured a woman in a laughably stupid manner. When the woman asked him who he was, he simply replied “I’m the ship cook” with the emotion of a piece of wood. The original source was pornography, because of course it was and rape porn at that.

Which makes me ask this: if a work is 95% porn and 5% a critique of porn, is it really accomplishing its goal? I haven’t read the book so maybe you’re right after all but I can tell you that if those quoted passages above were posted on a white supremacist site or board like /pol/ they would call you an unoriginal dumbass (they’d actually call you worse but I’m not gonna repeat their filth). Saying that it ending on them refusing to fire redeems the book is like arguing to a judge that your death threat wasn’t credible because you appended it with the words “in Minecraft”.

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Ben: So, you didn't like Steven Segal (“third rate John Wick clone”) in <i>Under Siege</i>. Nevertheless, interesting point. One might then ask, Was Verdi’s <i>La Traviata</i> a celebration of prostitution, with a disclaiming moral from Alfredo tacked on the end?

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love to be accused in the same breath of both nihilism and moralism--a nihilist for not buying into mythic pasts and nation-state worship, and a moralist for being put off by salacious fever dreams of mass racial murder

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It's so disheartening to watch this sort of Old World bloodlines-and-breeding conservatism get purchase in the US.

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I’m curious if Vance and his wife Usha have read this book together and will introduce it to their children as they become teenagers.

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This is the same attitude that has given us the France of today: massive riots, the never-ending threat of terrorism, priests beheaded at the altar, descending toward civil war, millions of unassimilable immigrants, and the unstoppable rise of Le Pen.

Note that Raspail, Pinkoski and French reality are all concerned with massive NON-Catholic immigration. Catholic immigration would of course be a different story.

Also, "refusing permission to immigrate to one's country" is not the same thing as "genocide," despite the bizarre libertarian insistence on equating the two.

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Radpail’s US admirers regard Catholic and Evangelical immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbean with the same loathing as Raspail had for non-Christian migrants. It is motivated by racial/ethnic animus not so much cultural or religious.

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Yes, do teach "Western Civ" courses. Because it exists.

And do teach "Eastern (et al) Civ" courses. Because they also exist.

Happy now?

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