Dear Readers:
The 2024 presidential election is two weeks away. Just like he did in the run-up to the 2020 contest, Donald Trump has laid the groundwork ahead of time to reject any outcome that doesn’t end in a Republican victory. On Nov. 5 and in the days after, if the race is close, or if he is losing, he will inevitably claim that the election is being stolen from him.
We know with certainty that Trump will claim fraud. The question is: What will JD Vance say and do?
My latest video examines the different routes Vance could take when, in response to a close race or a Republican defeat, the leader of his party revs up the Big Lie 2.0. You can watch it below or on our YouTube channel (make sure to subscribe!), and when you do, go to the comments and tell us: If the race is close or Trump loses, do you expect Vance to fully back Trump’s election claims or will he steer his party toward reembracing that in losses it must acknowledge defeat?
Landry Ayres
Senior Producer
© The UnPopulist, 2024
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"...or will he steer his party toward re-embracing that in losses it must acknowledge defeat?"
As long as Trump has a base of support within the Republican Party he will still have enough power and influence to steer the Party in any direction he chooses. Vance should go to work and learn how to be an effective Senator for the State of Ohio. If he is part of a new Republican Senate majority he will probably join in on harassing and harrying the Harris administration so as to prevent it from effectively governing. The key indicator will be who wins Senate majority leader and whom Vance supports. And how much influence Trump wields in that selection will mark the direction the Senate (and Vance) will go and how much rebuilding of the Party can be done.